When Might I Need an Elder Law Attorney?


Seniors are some of the most vulnerable members of our society. They can fall victim to a range of scams, abuse and misconduct. They may also lack the ability to speak out and be heard. Unfortunately, the combination of these factors can lead to tragic outcomes. With an experienced elder law attorney, you can provide seniors with the advocacy they need to ensure their rights are protected.

Seasons’ recent article entitled “Finding an elder care lawyer” explains that elder law encompasses all areas of legal representation and advocacy that involve the elderly population. These areas include:

That’s just a start. Elder care law specifically deals with legal issues concerning elder care, such as your senior’s well-being in nursing homes and long-term-care facilities.

It can be hard to know if your senior needs legal representation. That’s because they often find it difficult to speak out. They may also be unaware of the hazardous situations they’re in. For instance, a senior being scammed doesn’t necessarily know they’re being scammed. A senior may also not be aware of their rights at a nursing home.

As a result, it’s smart to contact an elder care attorney as soon as you suspect an issue. In addition to elder abuse, your senior might need help filing a claim with Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid.

A senior may want to create a durable power of attorney, or your family might need help establishing a conservatorship.

Reference: Seasons (Aug. 30, 2022) “Finding an elder care lawyer”

Suggested Key Terms: Elder Law Attorney, Medicare, Medicaid, Long-Term Care Planning, Medicaid Trust Planning, Assisted Living, Nursing Home Care, Disability, Social Security, Elder Abuse, Financial Abuse, Elder Care, Estate Planning, Guardianship, Conservatorship, Power of Attorney

About Benjamin D. Eckman, Esq.

Benjamin D. Eckman, Esq., is a New Jersey attorney specializing in Elder Law and Estate Planning. With decades of experience, he helps seniors and their families address critical legal, financial, and healthcare needs, including drafting wills, trusts, special needs trusts, and powers of attorney. His practice focuses on asset protection, managing healthcare costs, and preserving eligibility for government benefits like Medicaid.

Mr. Eckman has lectured throughout New Jersey to senior groups, nursing facilities, and professional associations, and his articles have appeared in newspapers and journals. He holds a law degree from Seton Hall University School of Law and is a member of the New York State Bar Association, the New Jersey State Bar Association, a past member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, the Elder Law Section and Real Property, Probate and Trust Section of the New Jersey State Bar Association, the Union County Bar Association, Passaic County Bar Association and the Bergen County Bar Association.

For expert guidance on elder law and estate planning, schedule a consultation today by clicking HERE.

Additional Reading

Big Changes Coming to New Jersey Elder Care in 2025

Big Changes Coming to New Jersey Elder Care in 2025

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